Welcome to Kroma Agency

Perfect match between brand and influencer

Kroma Agency operates in the social world, between companies and influencers, generating organic content promotion.

Building up the future of social media

Kroma Agency is a social agency that takes care of the image and identity of artists, sportsmen, talent & creators.

Our Services

Everything whether internal, external or in collaboration with the agency is handled on an ad hoc basis for each situation.
Our added value is to suggest to the customer how to act by making the best use of our resources and always focusing on the topic of the project.
On the other hand, when dealing with our talents, we always try to define a specific objective and a clear line to achieve it, in order to avoid wasting time and energy.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a type of marketing in which the focus is placed on influential people rather than on the target market as a whole.

Talent Management

Talent management must be the basis for building a competitive and high-performance business strategy, which starts with the search for the best talent and continues with engagement actions to create a motivated workforce that stays with the company over the long term.

Brands that we like

Our reliability and attention to detail have already allowed us to work with brands and multinationals all over the world, including Fiat, Loreal, Comix and Actimel.

Kroma Marketing

Our task is to better manage and filter the path of our talents to obtain a long-lasting and profitable job over time.


Our roster
Do you want to digitize your business and use influencer marketing?


Some examples of Brands we like
Would you like to start turning your passion into a job?